Mark Entrekin's Blog


Unity in Action – Building Stronger Today

Sep 02, 2024

As we get closer to the free webinar on Achieving Unity through the Power of Caring, Helping and Including Others, on September 19th, I want to share a couple of the topics we will discuss in this webinar and the course that begins on October 8th.

One item we will discuss includes Unity in Action: Building Stronger Communities, Families, Individuals, Teams and Workplaces. 

Why do some people always look for something wrong with almost any situation? When they walk into a room, it seems the carpet or rug is not right, straight or dirty. The pictures on the wall are crooked or old or do not match. Or, perhaps, someone’s attire or dress does not seem right to them for some vague reason.

In my introduction, we will discuss how Unity is one of the most powerful forces that can transform families, teams, communities and workplaces, at all levels. This includes entry-level or all the up to the C-Suite! (CEO, CFO, CIO, COO, etc.)

By working together, as we embrace diversity and foster a sense of belonging, we can achieve remarkable outcomes. This article, webinar and course explores the point and importance of Unity and how it can be harnessed to build stronger, more resilient individuals. The same individuals, just like you, that make up every community, family and team.

As we review the Power of Unity, we see that human beings are inherently social creatures and our most significant achievements have always been the result of collective effort. Unity generates strength, support and a collective will to confront challenges, instigate improvements and achieve shared prosperity. By embracing Unity, we foster a sense of belonging and, by recognizing the power of collaboration, each of us can unleash our full potential.

Families are the foundational units of our society. When family members support each other and work together, they create a nurturing environment that fosters growth and resilience. Unity within families can be achieved through open communication, mutual respect and shared goals. By spending quality time together and supporting each other’s aspirations, families can build strong bonds that withstand life’s challenges, one individual, one opportUnity at a time.

In the workplace, Unity is essential for building effective teams. When team members collaborate and leverage each other’s strengths, they can achieve greater productivity and innovation. Unity can be fostered through clear communication, trust-building activities and a shared vision. By recognizing and valuing each team member’s contributions, leaders can create a cohesive and motivated team.

Communities thrive when individuals come together to support common goals. Unity in the commUNITY can be achieved by promoting inclusivity, encouraging volunteerism and creating opportunities for social interaction. When commUNITY members feel connected and valued, they are more likely to actively participate and contribute to the commUNITY’s well-being. This sense of belonging enhances business and social capital, leading to increased collaboration and collective action for positive improvements.

Unity is a catalyst for positive improvement in communities, families, teams and workplaces. By working together, embracing diversity and fostering a sense of belonging, we can build stronger, more resilient groups. Whether in our homes, workplaces, or neighborhoods, the power of Unity can help us overcome challenges and achieve shared prosperity.

If you, or someone you know, is encountering issues with a significant other, spouse, friend or the work environment because Unity is not in action, please call me at 303-362-8733 (303-Focused) or schedule time with me at

I coach, collaborate and speak to and with couples, individuals, parents, divorced parents, groups, associations, corporations and universities to develop new habits and sustainable, caring, cost-saving, improvements as we resolve issues by creating and understanding viable solutions. 

Do you, or someone you know, schedule speaking events? Please let me know. I would be honored to speak at your next event and I also have an affiliate program that will compensate you for scheduling one of my events!

I hope you will attend, and invite your friends to attend, my next live, free webinar on “Achieving Unity through the Power of Caring, Helping and Including Others.” The next webinar is on September 19, 2024. Please go to to request more information.

I am looking forward to talking with you today and at the Achieving Unity Webinar. Please use the communication channel that works best for you today. I want to help you, personally and professionally, as you, and those around you, continue to grow forward to prosper today in a more caring, helping and inclusive environment! 

Email: [email protected]


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