Episode 18 Carol Metz Murray


Guest: Carol Metz Murray

Are you the CEO of your Life; an influencer, a Leader of Leaders; or are you a leader of wannabe's? Which one are you? 

- Do you avoid difficult conversations, speak in circles, and lead from your habits and attitudes? 

- To be a leader of leaders you are called to be different from the masses. You can't be ordinary. Not even close. You need to be a Naked Leader..... this is extraordinary.

What is Naked Leadership?
> It's asking who do "I" need to BE as I lead myself then leading Leaders
> It's being comfortable being uncomfortable and vulnerable in times of uncertainty
> It's speaking up when it isn't the most popular message
> It’s being brave to question self-doubt, emotional/mental exhaustion or heightened levels of stress/anxiety.
> It's being self-compassionate to create positive influence
> It’s embracing the nuts & bolts of life - life doesn’t get easier, you get stronger
> It’s having the courage to be kind
> It’s having the tenacity to know when to ask for help to be the CEO in your life 

Are you a professional who leads your life and is ready to Lead others to transform mindsets, explore possibilities for growth, performance and learning to build better teams, and relationships to enhance human productivity and customer relationships?

This is not for the faint of heart! To Lead your Life takes commitment, dedication and tenacity!!!
The time is NOW!
If you wish life was like "it used to be", then Naked Leadership isn't for you. When you have unstoppable courage, are ready to say what needs to be said; and, you believe you are a Leader of Leaders, thats when our conversation starts.

Reach out! I'm excited for you to JOIN me as You navigate Your Leadership journey through:

• The Matrix Mastermind – where you shift, create and evolve; and/or
• Self-created Evolution of you – 1-on-1 coaching and mentoring; or 
• Evolve As a Leader – Step into a group setting to be coached, lead by a maestro or mentored to up level your leadership skills.

Let's connect here or at www.carolmetzmurray.com for a POWER conversation to support your journey to Lead Your Life to BE a Leader of Leaders. "Thankyou Carol for seeing all aspects of Rhonda, for challenging her to bring a more open and aware leadership presence. You are wise, compassionate and deeply trauma informed." KN "Thank you Carol for believing in me in my period of transition." PK